Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Close Call

This is priceless....Joe left Ayden in his high chair as he was umm...using umm...the restroom? Is that how you say it Joe? Well anyway, when he opened the door to check on Ayden, Ayden turned around quickly and stood up on his high chair. He could have fell and bust his butt, but Joe stood there and still took out his camera phone, turned it on, and manage to take this picture instead of running to get him!!!!!!!! Thats My Honey! :) Love you babe!

Talk about a close call!!!

Ayden Sleeping - I could not resist!

I am Big Boy!

He was so happy to be sitting by himself. He was waiting patiently for Larissa to come out of the dentist!

My Sleeping Beauties!

How cute, daddy and baby Ayden sound asleep.

My Growing Belly - 5 Months

Thats my belly around Xmas...Larissa was being nice to me for the

She loves the camera, just like baby Ayden!

Just Like Their Daddy

Always working on the computer!! But they look much cuter on the computer. I think Ashley was showing Ayden ponies and horses.. :)

His Little Mohawk!

My Growing Baby!

He'll get me back one day...

but these were too cute not to post up for everyone!!! Look at daddies ears! :)

Exhausted After Too Much Fun!

Guess which one of these cute little guys were playing all night long, passed out and could not wake up for a bibi in the morning!! Come on guess!

Ayden On Xmas Morning

This is Ayden waking up and opening his first Xmas present on Xmas morning. :-)

My Two Babies and Another one On the Way

Here's a picture of my two babies together. Its one of my favorite pictures!! My big baby, Larissa and my small baby, baby Ayden.

Ashley and soon to be born baby Valdivieso #2 from me were not here, but I'll soon have more pictures to post with them included.

After Christmas

Okay its been a while since I sent out any pictures of my family. So i decided to start a blog to keep everyone up to date. Here's one I am adding from last year. December 30 2008. We are eating breakfast at a diner, while Ayden was ordering a glass of I am just kiddin!! We were not at a bar because I know you see the sign behind him that says Please enjoy our new Featured Wine "Red Rock Winery" Merlot. That was just a

In this picture Ayden is Sporting one of his new outfits he received on Xmas from Chastity. I think Orange matches his skin