Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monster faces

I think she is so beautiful when she makes these funny faces! My little big monster!

Positive Influences

I feel in order to get anything done, or to go any where in life, you must be surrounded by positive influences. There are so many things in life, so many paths we must go through - that will lead us to either a positive or negative influence.

Influence comes in all shapes and forms. We are influenced in all aspects of our lives. We can’t help but to listen, watch, and see new influences that portray something as being positive, when in reality it can be down-right degrading and hurtful.

The media has a huge influence on our lives. They put on advertisements showing us the current new trends; what we must wear, what music we must listen to, and how we must act in order to “fit in” or “be cool”. It is portrayed as being a positive new trend, or way of life, but if you look into it, it’s down right degrading, morally wrong, and humiliating - especially, when it comes close to home.

How do we stop such negative influence in this world? Can we take away everything that has a negative influence?

I try, over and over to eliminate everything that has a negative influence. I shelter myself and others in order to feel “secured” and in a “positive” environment. But honestly, you can not eliminate everything in the world that causes a negative influence. We would be living in a bubble that has no sun, no light, and no air, and most likely no food so we will eventually disintegrate because we are not living.

What we need is positive influences that overcomes all of the negatively. Something so powerful, it outshines the negative, and fulfills you body, mind, and soul. That feeling will only come from God, because you will never get such fulfillment without having something positive to believe in.

We also need to reassure one another that we are loved, we are needed, and we are doing a great job. We need to work together, and teach our children, the rights and wrongs of life. What is accepted, and what is absolutely not accepted. We need to show them with our own actions, what is morally right, and what is morally wrong before they are set to go off in the wrong path.

If we do not show them, our message will be lost, under all the negative influences that are out in the world, and we will never be heard. Can I teach something, and not practice what I am preaching? You can’t, and I learned this the hard way.

But I promise, I will try harder to be a positive influence and OVERCOME all the negatively so I can set ground stones for someone else to follow….

Two Quotes that I like:
Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.
Brian Adams

Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Close Call

This is priceless....Joe left Ayden in his high chair as he was umm...using umm...the restroom? Is that how you say it Joe? Well anyway, when he opened the door to check on Ayden, Ayden turned around quickly and stood up on his high chair. He could have fell and bust his butt, but Joe stood there and still took out his camera phone, turned it on, and manage to take this picture instead of running to get him!!!!!!!! Thats My Honey! :) Love you babe!

Talk about a close call!!!

Ayden Sleeping - I could not resist!

I am Big Boy!

He was so happy to be sitting by himself. He was waiting patiently for Larissa to come out of the dentist!

My Sleeping Beauties!

How cute, daddy and baby Ayden sound asleep.

My Growing Belly - 5 Months

Thats my belly around Xmas...Larissa was being nice to me for the

She loves the camera, just like baby Ayden!

Just Like Their Daddy

Always working on the computer!! But they look much cuter on the computer. I think Ashley was showing Ayden ponies and horses.. :)

His Little Mohawk!

My Growing Baby!

He'll get me back one day...

but these were too cute not to post up for everyone!!! Look at daddies ears! :)

Exhausted After Too Much Fun!

Guess which one of these cute little guys were playing all night long, passed out and could not wake up for a bibi in the morning!! Come on guess!

Ayden On Xmas Morning

This is Ayden waking up and opening his first Xmas present on Xmas morning. :-)